Fahim Hasan Mehedi

Full Stack Developer

Hi there! I'm a full-stack developer with a knack for turning ideas into functional software. I enjoy the challenge of building both the front-end and back-end components that power modern applications.


Sheikh international trading
Live website

Sheikh International Trading Website

Affiliated with Dellly

An online platform for Sheikh International Trading, specializing in procuring imported goods. The website enables users to browse, purchase, and pre-order a wide range of products, while also providing a streamlined quotation system for personalized inquiries.

TypeScriptNext.jsRedux.jsTailwind CSSNode.jsExpress.jsPostgreSQLknex.jsObjection.js
Sheikh international trading
Live website

Event Registration Application For A University Event

Affiliated with Dellly

Event registration web application for an event organized by Army IBA Institute Business & Leadership club, which made it possible for around 500 teams to register and make payment through the bKash payment gateway.

JavaScriptReact.jsTailwind CSSNode.jsExpress.jsMongoDBMongoose
Sheikh international trading
Live website

Dellly Portfolio

Affiliated with Dellly

Portfolio website for a newly formed company named Dellly, which helped it to kickstarts it's journey. The website showcases the details about the company and it's works.

JavaScriptReact.jsTailwind CSS


AUG 2023MAR 2024
Company websiteFull-Stack Developer · Dellly

Dellly is a company in Bangladesh that provides custom web application development solutions to its customers. Throughout my time there, I successfully completed several projects as a core member of the development team.




Automotive Software Engineering


Technische Universität Chemnitz

Chemnitz, Germany


Computer Science


Brac University

Dhaka, Bangladesh